You Made it Weird with Pete Holmes

Pete Holmes
Available on iTunes
Podcast Description:
You Made it Weird with Pete Holmes

Pete is a stand up comedian and modern day philosopher in You Made it Weird with Pete Holmes, he who covers sex, religion, and comedy during his long-form interviews.

You Made it Weird with Pete Holmes: Podcast Review

November 26, 2019

I love a long form interview, because you get to really get to know the guest, but in this case it feels like you get to know the host as well. Pete Holmes settles in and relaxes into goofy, wacky, insightful, and poignant conversation with his guests about topics like sex, religion, and the craft of comedy. While you know you’re going to get to know the guest, the surprise and joy of the podcast is the divergence into weird tangents full of impressions, personal anecdotes, and the odd spiritual breakthrough.

I’ve laughed out loud more than once, and teared up more than once on my subway commute, and I’d be lying if I said I haven’t gone back and relistened to some of the episodes because they felt so darn cozy.

Podcast Critic:
Lauren Bates

Lauren is a commuter who loves to wander. She seeks out long-form funny podcasts that dig in and ask the big questions in life.